

Welcome to the Giddy Chick blog. My name is Cheryl and I’m passionate about sharing my experiences as a Pastry Chef and as a successful Home Host.

Two Dogs Share Their New Year's Resolutions!

Two Dogs Share Their New Year's Resolutions!

Somewhat Short of Genius, Lola & Archie Inspire Dogs (& Humans) Everywhere!

This is the first year that I can remember Archie and Lola declaring New Year’s Resolutions! Lola has been with us five years and Archie, four. Neither of them have ever shown any interest in New Year’s Eve, let alone resolutions. So sure, I was a surprised. I decided quite some time ago not to make resolutions this year. Well, in fact, I have resolved to not resolve which is kind of a New Year’s Resolution within itself. I am seriously tired of saying the same thing year after year…“save more, eat better, exercise more,” blah, blah blah. This is not to say that I don’t have goals for 2020, I just don’t want to package them as broad proclamations. But, I digress. This is about Lola and Archie.

When my dogs presented me with their list of resolutions, I was thoroughly impressed! First of all, I had no idea that they could write. Amazing without thumbs. But, beyond their outstanding penmanship, I was surprised how thoughtful their resolutions are and how I could learn from their list.


Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day, January 21.

Wow - who knew? There actually is a National Squirrel Appreciation Day! Apparently my two pups have been wasting time on the internet digging up that tid-bit but, oh well. If they want to celebrate the countless squirrels in our yard then so be it. Maybe they can hand out acorns or let the squirrels chase them for a change! Whatever they want is fine with me. But, wait. Is this resolution ridiculous or profound? After thinking about it, I realize that (in an odd way) I can relate to this crazy proclamation. Maybe they no longer want to take someone in their lives (aka squirrels) for granted. After all, those squirrels bring them so much daily joy. What a great resolution! Although I might not celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day this year, I certainly have people in my daily life that I should celebrate, thank and honor this year. For the record… I won’t be giving them acorns and I refuse to let them chase me around the yard.


Bark Less at the Fed Ex Delivery Dude.  

Bark less. Hmmm. I can go along with this. I had no idea that Archie and Lola realize that they give the Fedex man such a hard time. To explain this, Lola reminded me that he gave her a Pup-peroni last week. She said that she felt bad for prejudging him. Maybe he is a nice guy. Maybe she never took the time to put her paws in his shoes. Wow - that alone gave me “paws” for thought. What if I prejudge people without really knowing them or taking a moment to visualize a walk in their shoes. Maybe 2020 should be the year of open-mindedness, compassion and olive branches (not pup-peronis) for all of us.

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Cuddle More  

Now this is a resolution that I can get behind 100%! It goes without saying that no one on their death bed wishes that they had cleaned their kitchen MORE and cuddled with the ones they love - LESS. This is just a great reminder to me.  


Where More Dog Hats  

Why on earth would these two dogs want to wear more dog hats? Archie says it’s simple. When they put on a crazy dog hat, I coo over them. It’s true. I take out my phone, take pictures and rub bellies. Do I need them to wear dog hats to stop and tell them how cute they are? I can be (and should be) freer with my praise and compliments in 2020. This kindness costs me nothing but, it means so much to the people (and the furry friends) around me. My 2020 mission should be to help build other people up - making them feel good about themselves. Period. With that being said Lola, Archie and I all look really cute in hats. It accentuates our adorable noses and large ears. Maybe if I wear more hats in 2020 my pups will take the time to coo over me and rub my belly. Just hoping.



Sniff More

Oh, boy. Sniff more? Really? They say YES - sniff more! Their ultimate goal is to experience “sniffing to the fullest.” (That’s their quote not mine.) Sure they enjoy sniffing during our regular neighborhood walk. Who doesn’t enjoy sniffing where Bailey the Beagle has been? And what about those neighborhood ground hogs -who doesn’t enjoy sniffing for them? In Archie’s mind they are sniffing escaped convict or tracking fugitives from the law. In their doggie imaginations they want to be blazing a trail that leads to a bear or maybe rescue a St. Bernard in peril. It’s just hard to do that when you are one block from the house. I get it. If you don’t venture out and see the world then you can not experience what the world has to offer. No doubt. For me, it has always been too easy to get stuck in the demands of day-to-day life. I know I’m not alone in this. This year my “dogs-a-lutions” have done a great job of reminding me just how important it is to experience new places, new people and new things! It’s these experiences that help me replenish my energy and feed my soul. In 2020, it’s time to stop and smell the roses! After all, smelling the roses sounds a heck of a lot better than smelling Bailey, a ground hog or ex-convict. To each his own.

Archie and Lola have a total of thirty-one resolutions. A few involve eating cat food, breaking into the treat jar, and chewing my shoes. Others I thought were just too convoluted to share. Maybe only another dog could understand those resolutions. I’ll leave those for their doggie memoirs. In the mean time i’ll just relish in the fact that these two tiny dogs inspired me to face the New Year. Hopefully, they inspired you and your dog too. Let’s all make 2020 the best year ever!


Small dogs…big thoughts. That’s just how they roll, baby.

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